A-1 Master Roofing Hawaii
A reputable roofing company, A-1 Master Roofing Hawaii offers high-quality and reliable roof solutions to its clients in Hilo,** Hawaii. It provides comprehensive roofing services including repair, replacement and maintenance. The company is staffed with experienced professionals who aim to provide the best possible service to its customers.
The First Amended Complaint alleges breach of contract, unjust enrichment and conversion claims arising out of a construction project in Hawaii. Plaintiff Soprema is an Ohio corporation that supplies roofing materials for construction projects. Defendants Beachside Roofing, L.L.C. (“Beachside”) and A-1 Master Roofing, Inc. (“A-1”) are Hawaii corporations that install roofing per Soprema’s Authorized Roofing Agreements. Bodell Construction Company, a Utah corporation, is also an authorized installer of Soprema products under written agreements.
A-1 Master Roofing Hawaii: Affordable Roofing Solutions
Both A-1 and Beachside were approved to install Soprema’s product at Queens’ MarketPlace. Soprema sent inspectors to Hawaii to review the installation and ensure compliance with its specifications. When the roofs at the project were inspected for water tightness, ten buildings had significant leaks. A-1 remedied the roof problems but Queens’ Market refused to release two million dollars owed to Bodell until Soprema provided a warranty on the roofs.
Whether you need roof repairs or a full roof replacement, it’s important to choose the right contractor. The right roofing contractor should be licensed, insured, and bonded and have extensive experience working with local codes and regulations. It should also be able to provide an accurate quote based on your specific needs and the condition of your home. Instant Roofer’s cutting-edge roofing calculator is designed to simplify the process and help you find a top-rated contractor quickly and easily.
A-1 Master Roofing
Hilo, HI 96720, United States
ph no 18089697765